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*Women’s Impact Fund

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Women's Impact Fund: Impact FFA

Research* indicates women are pursuing careers in agriculture and natural resources in increasing numbers, but they continue to be underrepresented in leadership in nearly every facet of the industry.

For instance:

- 36% of farms in the U.S. are led by women.
- Women lead only 26% of state departments of agriculture in the U.S.
- Women in agribusiness hold only 23% of management positions.
- Women hold only 10% of leadership roles in agriculture colleges at land-grant universities.

National FFA provides countless opportunities for young women to experience premier leadership, personal growth and career success, and you can help us do more! Impact FFA: Women Growing Women is an initiative dedicated to growing the next generation of female leaders who will join others to feed, fuel, clothe and sustain the world.

Your contribution will support female members and alumni who are seeking higher levels of achievement by providing opportunities for connection, mentorship and support.

In addition to providing financial support, we invite you to join us for the first Women Growing Women webinar, which will be held on Thursday, March 21, from 4-5 p.m. ET on Zoom. Connect with other women and current FFA members while gathering career and professional development advice from female leaders in ag. Mark your calendar and watch your email for more information.

*Louder, Erica Ramsey, "Leadership Styles and Barriers to Leadership for Women in Agriculture: A Mixed Methods Study" (2020). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 7996.

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